Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Massai Mara

One of the highlights of this adventure was the safari in Massai Mara National Reserve, a large game reserve in Kenya and borders the Serengeti in Tanzania. It was named in honor of the Massai people, one of Kenya's 40 tribes that make up about 2% of the population. We were told it was a good time to go due to the wildebeest migration...and there were THOUSANDS of wildebeest. And a few dead ones, which lions were feeding on. I have over 200 pictures but I'll give you a sneak peek of what we saw. Apparently along with migration season, it was baby season in the Mara as all the animals we saw also had young ones in tow. A few more details: we went for 3 days, stayed overnight at a tourist camp with tents and running water and they also provided food for us. It was a great experience and I definitely want to go back.

Zebras sneaking a fast drink due to crocodiles lurking in the water. 

The beautiful, breathtaking sunrise in the Mara- reminded me of the Lion King!

Lioness and her cub feast on their recent kill- a wildebeest

A lioness plans her attack on the heard of wildebeest in the distance

Lion cub! They were so adorable

Mom and her cubs

King of the Mara- and 10 feet from us!


Cheetah's resting after a feast


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